Monday, July 03, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Destination – Omkareshwar and Ujjain
Mode – Qualis
Passengers – 6 (Rahul, Shashank, Len, My friend, Rizwan the driver, Sushant our guest house keeper)
1. THE JOURNEY STARTS – Trip started from Bhopal to Omkareshwar on staurday (7 PM) reached there at 12:45 AM. Stayed overnight at Narmada Resort ( M.P. Tourism). It had been a great drive smooth on the hilly terrain from Indore to Omkareshwar.
2. OMKARESHWAR – Next morning everybody got up at 5 AM got ready and saw tyre of qualis punctured but went to the temple and did boating in the narmada while the driver changed the tyres.
3. TO UJJAIN – Off to Ujjain for Mahakaleshwar Mandir but something was waiting to happen tyre punctured again anyway no problem got that repaired and the stepney too (only 30 minutes lost)
4.1(a) THE FIGHT – After my friend had performed all his pujas and rituals, we visited one more temple where my friend had to bow his head as a part of Puja so we all were sitting back in the Qualis while he did this, since we were sitting inside the vehicle we had never parked it but the parking guy started asking for money, we told him why should we give when we haven't parked but that guy became aggressive and so did we but suddenly he started abusing and THAT WAS IT, I and my friend got out of the vehicle and than started a verbal dual and a huge crowd gathered luckily we didn't get involved in any fist fighting as lot of mediators had come by than and slowly the tempers died down and I think was the time when things started getting wrong.
5. JOURNEY BACK – Journey back to bhopal starts at 4 PM we expect to reach there by 7 :30 Pm so that these guys (shashank and my friend) have enough breathing space before they board the train (btw shanshank's train was at 9:30 and my friends at 10:15).
6. TROUBLE STARTS - on the way back to Bhopal from Ujjain we take a left turn go on for another 20 kms and the tyre gets punctured again :( well we thought we still had time we will replace it with stepney but wait to our horror stepney is also punctured NOW WHAT!! than we figured out there was a repairing shop just a km away so the driver went there to get it repaired while we were sitting back in the vehicle. By the time he comes with the tyre it's already 6:45 but we thought we still have enough time to reach bhopal on time.
7. TERRIBLE MISTAKE - Well while we were cruising along at a speed of 90 I told the driver (Rizwan) I am wondering why the wind mills (actually there is windmill farm between Bhopal and Ujjain) are not coming he also said "Sir...even I am wondering" than I thought we should just check whether we are on the right track.
8. WE WERE WRONG - To our horror we are on the wrong route we were on the highway which connects Ujjain to Gwalior and not to Bhopal....well now some panic (regarding not missing the trains) but we thought we had 2 hours and around 200 kms so if we press hard we might be there just in time.
9. THE LAST STRAW ON CAMEL'S BACK - Well we never thought it would happen again TYRE PUNCTURED AGAIN!! and almost 100 kms from Bhopal than shashank gave up the hope of boarding the train but the next hope was my friend reaching in time but it depended on how fast we could get that damn thing (TYRE) repaired.
10. PHONE CALLS - And than started a procession of phone calls Rizwan trying to get a car from indore (since there was no point in getting the tyre mended again as it gave up). Shashank called his parents and other concerned persons about the situation my friend called his parents that he might miss the train (They were worried but not my friend). Any way we told Rizwan not to take any tension as both of them are ready to miss their trains.
11. CONTRY (Word general used in engineering college for collection of money) - Rizwan told us that he is unable to get somebody with a tyre so he has purchase the tyre from a place which was 26 kms away from where we were and told that he had run out of money. Well, than everybody's wallets were out and when we finally counted the money it was 2700 enough to buy a tyre and Rizwan was off (Lift in SAFEXPRESS truck).
12. THE WINE BOTTLE - Luckily I was carrying a bottle of wine so we thought since we had nothing to do we should enjoy this (btw we got some place to sit infact lay down). Now came the worst part how to remove the cork? Everybody tried my friend, Len but for at least 15 minutes no use. then Len started scratching cork with the screwdriver and it came out a bit that was all we were waiting for I used by mouth as cork screw and len holding the bottle rotating it.....FINALLY IT OPENED, at last some SUCCESS.
12 (a). THE WINE PARTY - Than what was needed was all to finish the bottle, four people (Infact shashank said, [I dont know how much truth] that he doesn't drink). One bottle of wine Three people we thought we had enough and than one by one everybody started enjoying the ROSE WINE, it was only quarter empty when we offered shashank to join us and he gleefully joined and to our surprise he was quicker than us in finishing the bottle.
13. THE SLEEP - What do u expect after a day full of adventures and body giving up and than a bottle of wine........obviously Sleep so we all four went to sleep on a bench and a Charpai (I think that is what it is called) leaving the Qualis infect not leaving it was in front of us. And I believe it was one of most enjoyed nap I ever had.
14. THE WAY BACK - At 10:30 PM Rizwan comes with a tyre well this is not a new since no shop was open being Sunday and late in night one he managed to get a stepney from his friends Qualis. We all boarded the qualis thinking that now this should not happen. But the scary part everybody was dozing off I was really afraid that seeing everybody dozing rizwan might not go to sleep well so far so good, rizwan (I know what his mental and physical state would have been after gruesome one and half day) managed to keep his cool.
15. THE DINNER AND ARRIVAL - My friend had not had anything since morning as he was engaged in a Puja so we advised him to have dinner but he was adamant saying lets reach Bhopal first but finally he gave up on our pressure. So we were in a resort at 12 in midnight in Sehore a place 30 kms away from Bhopal there he (my friend) had a large peg of Royal Challenge ( I think to just over come his body pain) and we had a good dinner. And than we started again with our journey and reached the guest house at around 1:45 AM. every body just went in the room and hit the sack.
Well moral of the story "EVERYTHING IS WELL THAT ENDS WELL"